Ontologist returns to Simones!
No longer on Thursdays, ONTOLOGIST still visits your favorite Pilsen hotspot, this time coming in on a Saturday to make your feet move...

Scrabble Dictionary
Why not check your Scrabble work at ONTOweb? Once I can get imbedded widgets... And while you're at it, a normal dictionary. Don't you...

It's time once again for your favorite Eclectica/Experimental/Hallucinatory evening of the month! SUNDAY NOVEMBER 8th (and every 2nd...

ONTOplayer V2 Video Improvisation Software
ONTOplayerV2 now available for download! ONTOplayer is a quicktime video player intended for real-time manipulation in live improvisatory...

Ontologist EVERY THURSDAY at Division Ale House
BRING YOUR DANCING SHOES! ontologist spins soul, funk, and r&b with synced video! at Division Ale House (1942 w division, at Damen,...