Seven Melbournisms & A Fantasy
for "Electric" Gamelan Degung
Written at Monash University and performed at a Composer's Concert in December 2003, 7 Melbournisms brings old and new together: traditional instruments and notation of Javanese gamelan and live computer processing. The instruments are appropriately mic'ed and their sounds fed into a program written in Max/MSP which allows real-time alteration of that sound. Each movement alters the gamelan sound in a different way. The final movement explores all the manipulations together, and is a small tip-o-the-hat to composer Elliot Carter's Eight Etudes and a Fantasy.
Each movement conjures a unique aspect of life in Melbourne, Australia. Their titles are:
1. skylines of clouds
2. lousy public transport
3. anzac biscuits
4. bourke st. mall
5. the pony
6. trees where cars should be
7. music scene
8. fantasy
I also wrote an essay describing my intentions and inspirations behind the piece, which seems to be a fairly standard practice in Australia. CLICK HERE to download the backstory behind this piece!
The Max/MSP patches are available upon request.