360° of 60x60 at Kentucky New Music Festival
The Fourth Annual Kentucky New Music Festival
will be presenting 360 degrees of 60x60 Video (2010 Magenta Mix) on Concert 4: 60x60 (2010 Magenta Mix) Video Collaboration with Patrick Liddell Thursday, October 21 at 6:00pm in the John Jacob Niles Gallery of the Fine Arts Library. Featuring 60 one-minute electronic works by 60 different composers played back to back for a one-hour concert accompanied by DVD art created by Patrick Liddell. The Fourth Annual Kentucky New Music Festival October 17-24, 2010 The Kentucky New Music Festival and its organizers seek to promote the creation and performance of new classical music. This year's festival consists of six concerts and a lecture taking place on the University of Kentucky Campus. The concerts include the Kentucky Composers concert featuring works by composers living in Kentucky, a jazz concert featuring works by UK's Raleigh Dailey, an electronic music concert featuring the 60x60 project, and a concert of new works for organ selected from an international call for scores. In addition, The Out of Bounds Ensemble, Ensemble in Residence of Winthrop University and Central Piedmont Community College, will be performing a concert of new music and Dr. Ronald Keith Parks of Winthrop University will give a lecture on his compositions titled: "Visibly Inspired: Translating the Visual into Music". For more information and concert dates, times, and locations, please visit the University of Kentucky School of Music events webpage. All events are FREE and open to the public.