360° Crimson Mix at threewalls Chicago
11/20/2010 7pm
vox novus, 60x60, video, collaboration, ICMC, 360 degrees
Christopher Preissing and Kotoka Suzuki present an installation and performance comprised of 60 sonic works, each being one-minute long, by 60 sound artists from across the globe.
360 degrees of 60x60 (Crimson Mix) Saturday November 20, 2010 7:00 PM 60x60 is produced by Vox Novus, an organization in New York dedicated to the promotion of contemporary music. This presentation of 60x60 premiered in New York in June, presented by Vox Novus director Robert Voisey. November 20, 2010 7:00 PM threewalls 119 n. peoria #2d chicago, illinois 60607 http://www.three-walls.org/home.php