New 60x60: Bright Lights to Starry Nights
60x60 from bright lights to starry nights
The 60x60 Presenters mix is designed to honor and present those composers who have helped promote the 60x60 cause. This mix of 60x60 includes the works of composers who have presented 60x60 performances in the past, present and future. Robert Ratcliffe is the audio coordinator for the 60x60 (2012) Presenters Mix.
A big thank you to planetarium director Dan Ruby - who went out of his way to organize this presentation of 60x60! Thank you University of Nevada, Reno / the Fleischmann Planetarium / and especially planetarium director Dan Ruby for this unique presentation of 60x60!
Composers in the 60x60 Presents Mix include:
Liana Alexandra, Ricardo Arias, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz, Rich Bitting, Benjamin Boone, Scott Brickman, George Brunner, Paul Clouvel, Zlatko Cosic, Douglas DaSilva, Brad Decker, Paul Dibley, Erin Dougherty, Leonardo Duerto, Chris Flores, Douglas Geers, Josh Goldman, Melissa Grey, David Gunn, Bruce Hamilton, Dorothy Hindman, Yoko Honda, Lynn Job, Aaron Krister Johnson, Tova Kardonne, Juraj Kojis, Patrick Liddell, Elainie Lillios, Moises Linares, John Link, Blake Martin, Charles Norman Mason, Mike McFerron, Jeff Morris, Serban Nichifor, Rich O'Donnel, Michael James Olson, David R Peoples, Kala Pierson, Christopher Preissing, William Price, Gene Pritsker, Robert Ratcliffe, Robert Sazdov, Jacky Schreiber, Nivedita ShivRaj, Alan Shockley, Juan Maria Solare, Adam Sovkoplas, Adam Stansbie, Allan Strange, Eldad Tsabary, Katerina Tzedaki, Jeremy Van Buskirk, Robert Voisey, Patricia Walsh, Andrew Walters, Rodney Waschka, Aaron Word, and Sabrina Pena Young
You can see the concert program here:
60x60 at Fleischmann Planetarium 60x60 Presenters Mix Friday - 10/16/2015 - 6:00 PM Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center K-12 Outreach and Informal Education, Raggio Research Center for STEM Education Mail Stop 0272 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 89557